Benefits of SCOE TI

Photo of BTSA participants
  • Engaging program individualized to meet the unique professional growth needs of each teacher
  • Online resources allow access to resources aligned to each teacher’s individual learning environment
  • Robust dashboard streamlines development of each teacher’s professional electronic portfolio. Induction is personalized and allows easy access for mentors, district coordinators and program leaders to monitor teacher progress.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Sacramento Teacher Induction:

Why Sacramento Teacher Induction?

California law requires new teachers to complete a two-year induction program in order to receive a clear credential. SCOE is approved by the CTC to offer a program for teachers to Clear Multiple/Single Subject or Education Specialist Credentials.

What does the Sacramento Teacher Induction program provide?

Who is eligible?

Teachers who hold a preliminary credential and are employed in one of SCOE’s partner schools or districts as either a full or part time teacher of record.

How do I enroll in the program?

Teachers should contact the HR Office in the employing district and connect with the Sacramento Teacher Induction Coordinator to verify eligibility and to obtain a schedule of orientation dates. All teachers must attend an orientation to enroll.

I participated in Sacramento Teacher Induction previously but did not complete all of the requirements. What should I do?

Please contact the Sacramento Teacher Induction office at (916) 228-2496 to get information about next steps for completing your requirements.